Save Space In Your First Apartment With These Space Saving Tips
If we’re talking how much money you walked away with after your serving shift last night, but in square footage, not so much. The average apartment is usually not much bigger than that – providing you with a bedroom, living room and kitchen all decently sized with hopes that you have space for a kitchen table and if you are the luckiest person in America, a closet. Oh. My. Goodness.

Storage space is gold to people with little apartments, or apartments in general. Living near someone else typically means that space hasn’t been created for the tubs of baby pictures you hold on to or the seven boxes of Christmas decorations you are already excited to put up. If we are lucky we get an outdoor maintenance closet to double as our bike or tool storage and other than that we are forced to get creative – which we understand could be worse.
Lift and Stor Beds offers a simple solution to your space concerns – storage beds. With new streamlined, sleek designs they are hardly a thing from the past and now an incredibly classy built-in storage option. Using the space that is already taken by the bed you already need, you create a storage option that allows extra bedding, winter clothes, storage bins or even sports equipment to be cleverly stowed away so that it is out of sight, out of mind and out of the way of the precious storage square footage.
Make use of space you don’t realize you have.
Often small houses seem to get cluttered quickly, from leaving what we can’t fit in cupboards on the counter or neatly piling things into a corner so at least they are not on the coffee table. This might work, and if which case you probably do not need to read this blog, but in the off chance you are searching for better organizing to make for a happier home, good thing you are here.
Simple de-cluttering in the kitchen such as storing brooms and mops behind the fridge, hanging reusable grocery bags on a cute coat hanger by the door or using magnetic strips to hold canisters for utensils or knives can save little bits of space here and there and make your space look more simplified.
Living rooms are notorious for having too many DVD’s, one too many candles and piles of shoes scattered about. If you can get a cute bin that can hold games and shoes, put dvd’s in a cubby on the bookshelf and store extra blankets in the closet – this can cut the clutter and create new and more functional living space.
Storage beds are AHHHHmazing.
Hidden beds, storage beds and murphy beds all provide double the function. Accommodating guests becomes easy as they come in all sizes and in small apartments you get the freedom of being able to hide your extra things without some serious carpentry skills and a ton of money.
Library murphy beds are the perfect option for small spaces, providing more than just a comfortable get away for you or your visitor, but give you the space to be able to live and use your home to its advantage while giving you the added luxury of a bookcase to store anything from books (obvi) to collectibles.
Lift and Stor beds dreams of the apartment that offers a walk in closet, storage unit and adorable breakfast nook for $325 but in this day we are being unrealistic. Solving the issue of where to put the desk is easy when your library murphy bed allows for two pieces of furniture to conveniently fit into the space needed for one. Our storage beds store offers beds with comfort and ease while a quick lift gives you more than enough room to clear out the one linen closet you have and fill the space beneath with camping gear, quilts, and storage tubs of scarves or tank tops depending on the season.
Our favorite tips and tricks
Making our list of top ten is clearly our selection of storage beds, hidden beds and our library murphy bed, but we wanted to include some other ideas for the weekend project of Save me in my apartment, I’m drowning. Here is our ten:
- Use hooks inside of cupboard doors to store the lids to pots and pans.
- Hang mason jars or other organizational tubs from the wall in the bathroom for cotton balls, q-tips or toiletries.
- Hang one long shelve above the door for added book or knic-knack storage and display.
- Use a peg board (like those found in a garage) inside of a pantry or cupboard for hanging and storing kitchen utensils and gadgets.
- Organize your pots and pans with an over the counter hanger. Everyone loves those.
- Re purpose a wine rack (you can get a cheap one at Ikea) for rolled up towels – and a cute addition to your bathroom.
- Buy an ottoman or extra seating (Target has a great selection) that offers storage inside and use it for books, DVDs or blankets.
- Invest in fridge-sliding doors (online especially at Amazon) if you have a mini fridge (or not) to keep things organized and save space.
- Don’t have room for a desk? You would with our hidden beds…but you can make a standing workspace. Install a shelf that is the correct height while standing and can double as storage or display when your computer isn’t sitting on it. Just make sure it’s deep enough your laptop won’t fall!
- Attach a magazine holder on the inside of a cupboard for tin-foil, baggies and wax paper storage!
Give Lift and Stor Storage Beds a call today!
Published By:
Lift & Stor Beds – Jennifer Abbey
9124 E. Main St., Suite 7
Mesa, AZ 85207-8735
Phone : 1-480-380-8018
Phone : 1-888-223-8839