Everything You Need to Know When You Are Moving and Downsizing to a Smaller Mesa Home
In recent years the trend has been to buy and move into smaller homes than it was previously common. Part of this development can be attributed to an increased demand in real estate and the price hike connected to it, but also to the new-found desire of simplifying life and doing away with unnecessary clutter.
Regardless if you are making a conscious move into a smaller abode in order to “re-organize” your way of living or are moving in with a significant other, downsizing can be an awesome idea in theory, but much harder to put into practice. To help you get started with a simpler life, here are some great tips on how to move from a large space to a smaller space and making the most of it:
Everything You Need to Know When You Are Moving and Downsizing to a Smaller Mesa Home
1. Take Stock
Take inventory of everything you own. You will come to realize that you have much more than you ever thought possible. Then ask yourself which items you could not live without. Maybe they hold strong sentimental value, maybe they are essential for a hobby you enjoy or maybe even your job. If your home was to catch on fire, which items would you mourn the most in case they are lost and what would you replace right away in order to get your life back on track? Those are your must have, must keep items.
Once you have figured out which items are essential to who you are and how you live, you can make your way down the list in descending importance. The less important item aren’t automatically destined for the landfill, but they are the firsts you need to let go, when space becomes a concern. You can even make some money of them by selling them or donating them and claiming them on your tax return.
If you are moving in with someone, eliminate duplicates. You probably don’t need two coffee makers, toasters, and all the other essentials one usually has. Consider hosting a yard sale or donating them to a charity, as well.
2. Change Your Mindset
Changing the way you think, might be the hardest task of all. If you are like most people, you probably have a bunch of “just in case items” like that old TV in the garage in case your new flat screen goes out in the middle of a movie. Or a charcoal grill as backup for your gas grill. What about that pair of skis you bought at a garage sale because they were cheap, in case you ever go skiing?
Letting go is a hard concept, but keeping unnecessary items take up a lot of space and can become a burden. Sell every “just in case item” and use the money for something useful such as hiring an experienced moving company to facilitate your move and pack up the belongings you want to keep properly.
Once you have moved into your new space in Mesa, you will probably still be in the process of having to get rid of items over the next few months. Consult home improvement blogs or similar sources about how to best organize your new and smaller home.
3. Double Duty
While you may have had a TV room and a dining room, you will probably have to combine the two, or maybe your home office has to be integrated with your guest room. Multi-function rooms and multi-use furniture is all the rage these days and for good reason. They do not only cut down on necessary space but save you money down the road, because one room or piece of furniture servers more than one purpose.
Everybody is familiar with couches that pull out and transform into beds and tables that fold and can be stowed away behind a cupboard, for example.
But have you ever considered a library Murphy bed for your study or home office? When the bed is not in use, it conveniently hides behind bookshelves, but is easily lowered, when you have overnight guests or family in town. Many wall beds are also available in combination with a desk that is either attached to the side, or the bed itself.
By purchasing quality transforming furniture such as wall beds, hidden beds or a storage bed (which will give you additional storage space underneath your bed), you make the most of otherwise “dead space”.
4. Storage Space
If you are hesitant about which items to ditch and which to keep, you may want to consider renting a (temporary) storage space for your belongings. A to Z Valley Wide Movers offers affordable storage options for residents in Mesa and surrounding cities. You don’t even have to pack up the items on your own, but can rely on experienced movers to pack up and store your items in a secure storage warehouse at affordable rates.
Should you change your mind on an item, you can always retrieve it. By employing a Mesa moving company such as A to Z Valley Wide Movers you can be sure that your move will go smoothly and that your items are in professional and caring hands.
Working with our professional Mesa movers, downsizing is truly simple. Not only can we assist you with professional, quality moving services, but can also provide the storage space you need, while you are in the process of simplifying and downsizing.
5. Plan, Plan, Plan
Downsizing, or moving into a smaller space, needs to be planned well in advance. From making the list of things to keep and toss, to which furniture will work with your new home and its floor plan, to hiring the best moving company for the job, you will need a plan or things may end up chaotic. Planning ahead of time, will also help you to get in the right mindset and mentally separating from items, you don’t need and won’t keep.
Regardless if you are doing this on your own or have jumped on the Konmari bandwagon, you will feel freer and accomplished after your move is done and you have let go of all the items you don’t need.
A to Z Valley Wide Movers is your experienced long and short distance moving company with years of experience and great ratings. To learn more about our moving and storage services contact us today.
A to Z Valleywide Movers – Michael Rodriguez
2316 E. Rawhide St.
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Office: 602-422-6409
Email: service@azvalleywidemovers.com
Website: //www.azvalleywidemovers.com