Top Reasons to Get a Murphy Bed This Summer

A Murphy bed is a great investment for your home, allowing you to accommodate visitors without sacrificing space or allowing you to get more use out of the rooms in your home all year long. The space-saving bed folds up into the wall when it’s not in use, allowing you to use the room for other purposes, like study or entertaining.

You can also get a library Murphy bed or another style that incorporates additional elements, like shelving, a desk or even a sofa.

If you haven’t already purchased a Murphy bed for your Arizona home, here are a few reasons why you should do so this summer:

Top reasons to buy a murphy wall bed this summer!

Make Visitors Comfortable

A lot of visitors from the North are heading back home right about now since the temperatures are creeping up into more uncomfortable territory. Now is the perfect time for you to start preparing for the influx of visitors you are certain to get next spring from snow birds looking to enjoy Arizona’s warmer temperatures.

Chuck the rickety cots and the vintage sleeper sofa that no one actually likes sleeping on and that only take up space in your home. Invest in a stylish Murphy bed that you can easily access when you need it any time visitors want to make the trip. You just pull down the platform when you need to provide a bed, and you can leave it stowed away when you want the room for other reasons.

Your visitors will have a comfortable bed at any time it’s needed, but you won’t have to sacrifice an entire room to a guest space that only gets used a few times a year.

De-Clutter Your Home

Beds take up quite a bit of real estate in your home. A queen bed is the minimum that most adults need for a comfortable night’s sleep, but it takes up the majority of floor space in the bedrooms of most modestly sized homes. If you upgrade to a king, you’ll lose pretty much all your extra floor space unless you have a large home.

A Murphy bed helps you de-clutter by clearing up that floor space and making room for other furniture or activities. If you get a library Murphy bed, you’ll create even more space-saving opportunities with shelves for books, media, decor and other items. You can also get Murphy beds with desks or sofas, allowing you to use a room for study, entertaining and sleep.

Maximize Space in Your Vacation Home

Murphy Beds Can Also Help Maximize Space In Your Vacation Home!Even if you’re lucky enough to own a vacation home, you may not have a home that is as large as you’d like. After all, as soon as your friends and family find out that you have a vacation home, you’ll be inundated by requests for visits. You’ll find that you never have quite as much space to accommodate all the people who want to stay.

One way you can create more space is to add a Murphy bed to every room of your vacation home. Put one in your living room, your study, each of the bedrooms — even the dining room. When you don’t have as much of a packed house and the beds are not needed, they can remain stowed away in the cabinet, which will look like it’s part of the room decor. Shelving and desk tops provide more functionality to the room so you don’t have to buy additional furniture that will take up the space.

A Murphy bed is much more than a design choice. It can help you make the most of your space in your home or your vacation home, and it can help you reduce clutter that can impact your peace of mind.

Lift & Stor Beds sells a variety of Murphy bed designs in Arizona, including a library Murphy bed and options with sofas, desks and more. You can customize your bed by choosing the size, the finish and some other elements. The beds can be chosen to look like cabinets or wall paneling when they are closed. Explore our online catalog to find the right Murphy bed, or take a look at our other space-saving options, such as storage beds and do-it-yourself storage bed kits.

Published By:

Jennifer Abbey of Lift & Stor BedsLift & Stor Beds

9124 E. Main St., Suite 7
Mesa, AZ 85207-8735

Phone : 1-480-380-8018
Phone : 1-888-223-8839

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